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Babu Baga Busy Review and Rating

'Babu Baga Busy' Review and Rating

Babu Baga Busy Review and Rating

Babu Baaga Busy was the most talked about because it was the remake of the hit Hindi film Hunter.

Starring: Srinivas Avasarala, Tejaswi Madivada, Sreemukhi, Mishti Chakraborty, Music Director: Sunil Kashyap, Director: Naveen Medaram, Producer: Abhishek Nama

Release date: May 05, 2017

Babu Baga Busy Story:-

The tale of the film depends on the life of Madhav (Srinivasa Avasarala) who is a sex someone who is addicted. In the wake of having various illicit relationships throughout his life, Madhav at long last chooses to settle down with Radha (Misthi). In any case, things are not that simple as his disputable past continues returning to his present life consistently. Rest of the story is concerning how Madhav clears every one of his issues lastly weds Radha.

What Good..?

Srinivasa Avasarala Performance was good in some emotional scenes. Sreemukhi is very good in her tiny role. Mishthi is just about okay and so was Aadarsh Balakrishna.
Supriya, Her episode is the only thing which has been showcased in somewhat interesting manner post the interval. There are certain scenes which the youth might get associated strongly.

What Bad..?

Babu Baga Busy is a badly made remake of Hunterrr.The fundamental substance of the film is lost in interpretation as the feelings are spoilt totally. When you get a grown-up comic drama, it is possible that you ought to fill the procedures with great arousing scenes or satire yet this film tragically needs both and crashes and burns. There are far an excessive number of subplots in the film which have been executed in an exhausting way.

Final Words:- 

This film remake turned out badly has some sentimental scenes which will be preferred by the adolescent however for other groups of audience, this film winds up as a terrible and frustrating watch this weekend.

Rating:- 2/5

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