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Andhra University AUCET,AUEET 2017 Hall Tickets (audoa.in) Released Download

Andhra University AUCET, AUEET 2017 Hall Tickets (audoa.in) Released Download

Notification for AUCET/AUEET 2017 has been issued on 03-03-2017 and application registration process commenced from 08-03.2017 and completed on 25-04-2017.

Andhra University AUCET,AUEET 2017 Hall Tickets (audoa.in) Released Download

AUCET/AUEET 2017 Examination Time Table

The entrance test is scheduled for 8th & 9th May 2017 as given below

AUCET/AUEET 2017 Examination Time Table

Andhra University AUCET/AUEET Hall Ticket 2017

Andhra University AUCET, AUEET  Hall-Tickets 2017 on audoa.in website available from 29-04-2017 12:00 p.m. onwards.

How to Download AUCET/AUEET Hall Ticket 2017

How to Download AUCET/AUEET Hall Ticket 2017

  1. Go to official au site - audoa.in
  2. After click on Download Hall-Ticket left side option
  3. Then apper hall ticket page, type Application No, Date of Birth
  4. Finally print your hall ticket any format like PDF, XPS etc..


1.Candidates are advised to present at the Examination hall at least one hour before the commencement of the Test.

2.Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall without valid hall ticket.

3.Calculators, pagers, cell phones, or similar electronic gadgets, books, papers, logarithm tables or any other calculating aids are NOT ALLOWED into the Examination hall.

4.Candidates should answer on the candidate - specięc OMR ANSWER SHEET only.

5.Candidates are required to USE BLACK BALL POINT PEN only.

6.Candidates are directed to read the instructions on the Test Booklet and OMR sheet before answering.

7.The Chief Superintendent of the test center can take disciplinary action on candidates involved in indiscipline, malpractice, impersonation, etc., and the answer scripts of such candidates will not be valued.

8.Attending Entrance Test does not automatically entail a candidate for admission. It is subject to fulęllment of Eligibility criteria as mentioned in admission information brochure.

9.Candidates should retain this HALL TICKET and produce at the time of counseling

10.Candidates are requested to check the details, if found any corrections, please inform to the invigilator and make it correct in a nominal roll while signing at the time of examination.

AUCET 2017 exam centers and test centers list

Centre Code     City                                     Examination Centre

01                      Visakhapatnam             1. Gayatri Vidya Parishad, MVP Colony,                

                                                                    2. Dr.L.B.College Block-III, Resapuvanipalem
                                                                    3. B.V.K.College, Dwarakanagar                                                                                                               4. A.U. Arts College, Building, Near Siripuram
                                                                    5. Andhra University College of Engineering for                                                                                       women, Near Sivajipalem campus

02                       Srikakulam                    Gayatri College of Science & Management,                                                                                            Munasabpet, Srikakulam
03                      Vizianagaram                 M.R College (A), Vizianagaram
04                      Kakinada                         Ideal College of Arts & Science, PG Courses, Vidyut                                                                            Nagar, Kakinada.
05                      Rajahmundry                 Government Arts College (A), Rajahmundry.
06                      Eluru                                Sir CRR College PG Courses, Eluru.
07                      Vijayawada                      SRR & CVR Govt. Degree College, Machavaram,                                                                                 Vijayawada.
08                      Guntur                             J.K.C College, J.K.C. Nagar, Guntur. 

The number of applications received for the AUCET/AUEET-2017 admissions into PG courses and 6-year Integrated (B.Tech. +M.Tech.)

Test No. & Name                                             No of Application received

101 – Life Sciences                                                                    3147
102 – Physical Science                                                             1662
103 – Mathematical Sciences                                                 2460
104 – Chemical Sciences                                                         4835
105 – Geology                                                                             261
201 – Humanities & Social Sciences                                     5677
202 - English                                                                              643
203 - Telugu                                                                               499
611 – 6-Year Integrated (B.Tech.+M.Tech.)
Dual Degree programs                                                             2671
Without Tests Arts & Science Courses                                  1093
                                                       TOTAL                               22948

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