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CGBSE 10th Result 2018 - Chhattisgarh Board High School Examination Results

CGBSE 10th Result 2018- Chhattisgarh Board High School Examination Results

CGBSE 10th Result 2018: Chhattisgarh board is going to announce the result date on its official page only. All the student’s can check here below about your result date and direct link for downloading your result. We are here to help you to navigate you to the result web portal.

CGBSE 10th Result 2018

CGBSE 10th Result 2018 

Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) conducted their secondary examination. CGBSE is the state agency of Government of Chhattisgarh. The secondary education of this state conducted the 10th class exams from 24th February to 14th March 2018. The state government will take care of all the steps for the development of the board standard. This year also the government provided all the guidelines to conduct the secondary exams to the students. The results can be expected in April or May 2018. The good news for all the students who are waiting for Chhattisgarh Board 10th Class Results in 2018.

CGBSE 10th Class Results 2018 Details 

Name of the board: Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education 
Name of the exam: Chhattisgarh Board 10th class 
Category: CGBSE 10th class results 2018 
Exams start on: February, 2018 
Exams end on: March, 2018 
Results: expected on May, 2018 
Official Website: www.cgbse.nic.in

When will CGBSE of 10th Class Results 2018? 

CGBSE of state government conducted their 10th exams successfully from February  to March, 2018. The results are expected to release as soon as possible in a month. The results of 2017, 10th class are released The results of 2016, 10th class are released. 

How to check the results chhattisgarh Board results 

  1. Visit the official Website of Chhattisgarh board of 10th 
  2. The official Site of CGBSE 10th class results is cgbse.nic.in 
  3. Click on the link and find the results hyperlink. 
  4. Click on your required field. 
  5. Enter your prescribed roll number. 
  6. Your result will be displayed. 
  7. Take a printout or save the marks list for future use.

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